Essential Oil

Cajuput Oil

Indonesian eucalyptus oil is globally renowned for its high quality and numerous benefits across various sectors, including health, pharmaceuticals, and aromatherapy.

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Acts as an expectorant for respiratory congestion and has antiseptic
properties, helping in wound care and infection prevention.

Cajuput oil offers a broad range of benefits and uses, making it a valuable essential oil. Its antiseptic, bactericidal, and insecticidal properties help protect against infections and pests, while its decongestant and expectorant effects make it effective for respiratory relief. It acts as an analgesic to alleviate pain, a sudorific to promote sweating, and a febrifuge to reduce fever. Additionally, cajuput oil serves as a vermifuge to eliminate parasites, an antineuralgic to ease nerve pain, and an antispasmodic to relieve muscle spasms. It is also a carminative for digestive health, a stimulant and tonic for overall vitality, and an emmenagogue to support menstrual health. Its versatility extends to cosmetic uses, making it a multipurpose oil for health and wellness.

  • Botanical Name : Melaleuca Cajuput
  • Appereance : Colorless to greenish yellow liquid
  • Production Process : Steam distilated from of leaves from
    Melaleuca Cajuputi
  • Main Component : Cineole (45-65%)
  • Description : The primary component of cajuput oil, 1,8-cineole is responsible for the oil’s characteristic camphorous, fresh, and cooling aroma. It is known for its powerful expectorant, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for treating respiratory conditions such as coughs, colds, and bronchitis.